About Us

Hi everyone!
I am a 16-year-old Rock Bridge High School junior (graduating in 2011) and I have been babysitting since I was about 9 years old. I have always been mature for my age due to growing up with my older and highly disabled brother whom I have also helped to take care of for many many years. Trust me, I’ve changed a 20-year-old’s diaper plenty of times and so I am easily prepared to change baby diapers! I’ve babysat kids of all ages including 3-month-old babies all the way up to 14 year-old teenagers. I can cook, clean, play games, tutor…pretty much anything you or your children want me to do. I really enjoy being around children and I love babies!
I am involved in many extracuricular activites such as Rock Bridge Competitive Cheerleading, National Honor Society, and volunteering opportunities (Ronald Mcdonald House, Challenger League, Cedar Creek, trash pick-up etc.)
I am, however, willing to work around my schedule as much as possible to fit your needs.

Thank you for your interest and I look forward to talking with you!


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