Edmistone Acupuncture & Chiropractic

1317 Hwy 50
O'Fallon, IL 62269
Email: info@edmistone.com
Phone: 618-624-8080

About Us

“Health is a state of optimal, physical, mental and emotional well-being, not merely the absence of disease and infirmity.”

Chiropractic is the most popular natural, drug-free health care system in the world. Chiropractic helps people function closer to their physical and emotional best, recover from sickness, disease and disability faster and minimize the use of drugs and surgery in their lives. Increasing numbers of people are seeing chiropractors not only of health problems but also to maintain and enhance their health, natural immunity and obtain a stress-free lifestyle. Call today to find out if chiropractic is right for you.

When it comes to aches and pains….whether it’s the pesky ones that got worse with age, or the ones brought on from that fender bender last month, CHIROPRACTIC, ACUPUNCTURE, and MASSAGE THERAPY are of the most popular and oldest forms of natural health care in the world.

MASSAGE THERAPY uses touch to manipulate the soft-tissue muscles of the body. It is used for a variety of reasons, including treating painful ailments, decompressing tired and overworked muscles, reducing stress, rehabilitating sports injuries, and promoting general health.

CHIROPRACTIC works with the nerves, muscles and joints in the body. In addition to chiropractic adjustments, chiropractors also have extensive training in nutrition, radiology and physical therapy. Their goal is to maximize the health or function of the whole body utilizing safe, conservative treatment methods.

ACUPUNCTURE is based around the quality, quantity, and balance of Qi flowing within the body. When an imbalance is noted, a variety of techniques are used, including acupuncture, herbs, moxibustion, tui-na massage, electro-acupuncture, gwa-sha, and cupping to restore and maintain the proper flow of Qi within the body. Once balanced and flowing freely, the body flourishes and its full health and vitality are expressed.

There are many things acupuncture has been known to accomplish; alleviating pain, increasing the body’s resistance to illness, promoting detoxification, and enhancing a person’s energy level and sense of well being. Other uses are to stop smoking, lower blood pressure, alleviate skin disorders, and relieve constipation, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, allergies, and asthma.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the National Institutes for Health (NIH), acupuncture is useful in the treatment of:

Chronic and Acute Pain – Injuries, headaches, neck and back pain, tendonitis, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia

Circulatory disorders – Hypertension, palpitations, heart disease

Disorders of the bones, muscles, and joints – Low back pain, neck and shoulder pain, joint pains, injuries, numbness and tingling, muscular aches and pains, osteoarthritis

Disorders of the nervous system – Multiple sclerosis, post-stroke conditions

Emotional and psychological disorders – Depression, anxiety

Gastrointestinal disorders – Indigestion, pain, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, eating disorders

Gynecological disorders – Irregular, heavy, or painful menstruation, premenstrual syndrome, menopausal problems, fertility issues

Immune disorders – Chronic fatigue, HIV/AIDS

Pregnancy-related complaints – Morning sickness, edema, fatigue

Respiratory disorders – Chronic colds, coughs, asthma, allergies

Sleep and stress disorders – Nervous tension, insomnia, low energy

Urogenital disorders – Urinary tract problems, sexual dysfunction

When it comes to your individual needs for pain management, our qualified staff of practitioners at Edmistone will work with you to come up with the best plan to assist you in your road to recovery. Contact Us today to get started.

Have you been thinking about plastic surgery lately? Or what new product you can find to help combat age? If so, you may be excited to learn about cosmetic acupuncture. Cosmetic acupuncture, also known as acupuncture facial rejuvenation or acupuncture facelift – is finding its way into popularity….and for good reason. This modality can enhance not only your physical appearance but also your overall health, giving you a glow that radiates from deep within. While cosmetic acupuncture is somewhat new phenomenon, there are centuries-old records of it being used for beauty. Some really exciting news is that acupunctures ability to improve a variety of skin conditions has now been documented in legitimate clinical studies. Its effectiveness is no longer a question of hearsay.

Cosmetic acupuncture entails no incisions, sutures or acid peels, which makes it more appealing than an actual facelift. Although the results are not as drastic or fast. Remember, it took decades of stress, sun damage and exposure to environmental toxins for your skin to reach a state of crisis, and the damage will not be instantly undone. The remedy cosmetic acupuncture may offer is the reduction or erasure of fine lines and the softening of deeper ones. Many patients will also experience the firming of jowls, reduction in the size of under-eye bags, enhanced skin tone, increased energy and eyes that sparkle.

Cosmetic acupuncture is, after all, a whole-body treatment. In the Traditional Chinese Medicine view, a person is affected selectively by his or her internal organs. Facial features reflect organic strengths, and as internal organs are fortified, one’s face reflects the improvement. Besides addressing a patient’s condition holistically, the practitioner will probably work locally, inserting painless, ultra-fine needles into—and around—specific wrinkles, acu-points or muscle points, depending on the technique employed. Often practitioners will often incorporate herbal poultices, moisturizers, pulsed light or essential oils into a treatment. An imperceptible electrical current may also be passed among the needles.
Another aspect of cosmetic acupuncture is High Frequency Treatment.

This is an oscillating neon gas current that uses a frequency of 20 000 Hz (cycles per second).
When applied directly to the skin via a glass electrode, this skin care device dries, refines and heals the skin.
It’s a favorite for acne treatment because it produces a germicidal effect, through ozone formation at the skin’s surface.

When placed on the skin the HF unit does have a zappy-zippy noise and does slightly ZAP the skin, but the treatment is not painful at all. Circular or linear movements are applied all over the face, in a steady, smooth manner. This treatment works excellently alone or combined with acupuncture as it helps improve circulation and elimination, causing enhanced skin texture, color and oil-moisture balance. HF produces a relaxing warmth on the skins surface and a germicidal, anti-bacterial as well as a disinfecting effect on skin.

Here at Edmistone Acupuncture and Chiropractic, we offer an in depth consultation to determine your needs. A course of ten treatments is standard, with periodic follow-up visits as needed. These sessions are labor intensive and will be priced differently than customary acupuncture treatments. The needs of your individual lifestyle and health will determine the amount of sessions required to achieve results.

Some of the issues cosmetic acupuncture can help with are:


•Age spots



•Stretch marks



•Breast tissue firmness

•Spider Veins

•Uneven skin tone

•Skin elasticity

Too chunky? Too thin? Not enough strength to do the things you need or want to do? Weight control is an issue many people like you stress over every day. Maybe its not your weight, but just how you feel? Are you eating the right foods? Getting enough nutrients? What about fitness? Are you getting enough cardio, stretching and strength training?ts time to take control and and find out…its time to get educated!!

Here at Edmistone Acupuncture & Chiropractic, We are ready to design and implement a program that can change your life…if you let it! We have an arsenal of modalities and knowledge to help you acheive your nutrition and fitness goals.

They are:

•AURICULAR THERAPY- a form of acupuncture that can assist in weight loss and cravings

•PERSONAL TRAINING- one on one sessions with an ACE certified personal trainer, to create a fitness regimen to fit individual needs
•YOGA- a total mind/body experience to increase strength, stability, and flexibility
•NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING-a navigation through the do’s and dont’s of healthy eating and proper nutrition and current diet fads
•CHINESE HERBS- utilizing various herbs and vitamins to aid in your journey

Combine any or all of these services with your CHIROPRACTIC & ACUPUNCTURE care, or come in just for your weight control needs. Maybe you’ll find something else that can improve your life!

An important part of staying healthy is making sure your body is running to its full capacity. Getting rid of all the harmful toxins in our system is an important aspect of that. It helps with everything from losing weight, to having better metabolism, to fighting the common cold or flu. It can even help you STOP SMOKING!! Here at Edmistone Acupuncture and chiropractic, we utilize several methods of detoxification.

Some of these are:


•Auricular Therapy

•Ear Candling

•Foot Detox



•Chinese herbs

•Smoking Cessation


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